2. Qucikstart with Docker

To get a first impression of the django-SHOP demos, please use one of the prepared Docker images. If not already available on your workstation, first install the Docker runtime environment and start the local Docker machine.

2.1. Start with a prepared Docker Image

To run a fully configured django-SHOP container on your local machine:

docker run --name demo-shop-i18n_polymorphic --env DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=i18n_polymorphic -p 9001:9001 awesto/django-shop-demo:latest

This image is rather large (~2 GB), therefore it may take some time to download.

Locate the IP address of the running container using docker-machine ip default. Then point a browser onto this address using port 9001, for instance (the IP address may vary depending on your Docker machine settings).

After the container started, it may take a few minutes until the database is ready. The first time a page is loaded, this also takes additional time because all images must be thumbnailed. Therefore, if you stop the running container with

docker stop demo-shop-i18n_polymorphic

instead of re-running the supplied Docker image, it is recommended to restart the just created container with:

$ docker start demo-shop-i18n_polymorphic

To access the administration backed, navigate to and sign in as user “admin” with password “secret”. If you navigate to any page of the shop, you may switch into live edit mode and change the content of the various pages, including the product’s details pages.

2.1.1. Try out the other examples

By changing the environment variable DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL to commodity, i18n_commodity, smartcard, i18n_smartcard, polymorphic or i18n_polymorphic, you can examine one of the other prepared examples. Afterwards re-create the container using the same Docker image:

docker run --name demo-shop-commodity --env DJANGO_SHOP_TUTORIAL=commodity -p 9001:9001 awesto/demo-shop:latest

2.1.2. Troubleshooting

To access a running Docker container from outside, attach to it using:

docker exec -ti demo-shop-i18n_polymorphic /bin/bash
[root@example]# ps fax

If you don’t want to interfere with the running container, you may create a “throw-away” container and access files through the shared volume named /web. Here you can read the logs and change some basic settings. If you modify the timestamp of /web/workdir/myshop.ini uWSGI restarts the Django server. To access this shared volume, start a throw away container with:

docker run --rm -ti --volumes-from demo-shop-commodity demo-shop /bin/bash
[root@example]# cd /web/logs
[root@example]# less shop.log