11. Order

During checkout, at a certain point the customer has to click on a button named “Purchase Now”. This operation performs quite a few tasks: One of them is to convert the cart with its items into an order. The final task is to reset the cart, which means to remove its content. This operation is atomic and not reversible.

11.1. Order Models

An order consists of two models classes Order and OrderItem, both inheriting from BaseOrder and BaseOrderItem respectively. As with most models in django-SHOP, they are Deferred Model Pattern, so that inheriting from a base class automatically sets the foreign keys to the appropriate model. This gives the programmer the flexibility to add as many fields to the order model, as the merchant requires for his special implementation.

In most use-cases, the default implementation of the order model will do the job. These default classes can be found at shop.models.defaults.order.Order and shop.models.defaults.order_item.OrderItem. To materialize the default implementation, it is enough to import these two files into the merchant’s shop project. Otherwise the programmer may create his own order implementation inheriting from BaseOrder and/or BaseOrderItem.


Assure that the model OrderItem is imported (and materialized) before model Product and classes derived from it.

The order item quantity can not always be represented by natural numbers, therefore this field must be added to the OrderItem implementation rather than its base class. Since the quantity is copied from the cart item to the order item, its field type must must correspond to that of CartItem.quantity.

11.1.1. Create an Order from the Cart

Whenever the customer performs the purchase operation, the cart object is converted into a new order object by invoking:

from shop.models.order import OrderModel

order = OrderModel.objects.create_from_cart(cart, request)

This operation is atomic and can take some time. It normally is performed by the payment provider, whenever a successful payment was received.

Since the merchant’s implementation of Cart, CartItem, Order and OrderItem may contain extra fields the shop framework isn’t aware of, the content of these fields also shall be transferred, whenever a cart is converted into an order object, during the purchasing operation.

If required, the merchant’s implementation of Order shall override the method populate_from_cart(cart, request), which provides a hook to copy those extra fields from the cart object to the order object.

Similarly the merchant’s implementation of OrderItem shall override the method populate_from_cart_item(cart_item, request), which provides a hook to copy those extra fields from the cart item to the order item object.

11.1.2. Order Numbers

In commerce it is mandatory that orders are numbered using a unique and continuously increasing sequence. Each merchant has his own way to generate this sequence numbers and in some implementations it may even come from an external generator, such as an ERP system. Therefore django-SHOP does not impose any numbering scheme for the orders. This intentionally is left over to the merchant’s implementation, which may be implemented as:

from django.db import models
from django.utils.datetime_safe import datetime
from shop.models import order

class Order(order.BaseOrder):
    number = models.PositiveIntegerField("Order Number", null=True, default=None, unique=True)

    def get_or_assign_number(self):
        if self.number is None:
            epoch = datetime.now().date()
            epoch = epoch.replace(epoch.year, 1, 1)
            qs = Order.objects.filter(number__isnull=False, created_at__gt=epoch)
            qs = qs.aggregate(models.Max('number'))
                epoc_number = int(str(qs['number__max'])[4:]) + 1
                self.number = int('{0}{1:05d}'.format(epoch.year, epoc_number))
            except (KeyError, ValueError):
                # the first order this year
                self.number = int('{0}00001'.format(epoch.year))
        return self.get_number()

    def get_number(self):
        return '{0}-{1}'.format(str(self.number)[:4], str(self.number)[4:])

    def resolve_number(cls, number):
        number = number[:4] + number[5:]
        return dict(number=number)

Here we override these three methods, otherwise the order number would be identical to its primary key which is not suitable for all e-commerce sites. Method get_or_assign_number()

Is used to assign a new number to an Order objects, if none has been assigned yet, otherwise it returns the assigned one. Method get_number()

Retrieves the order number assigned to an order in a human readable form. Here the first four digits specify the year in which the order was generated, whereas the last five digits are a continuous increasing sequence. Classmethod resolve_number(number)

Chances are high that we use the order number as slug, or for any other similar identification purpose. If we look up for a certain order object using Order.objects.get(...) or Order.objects.filter(...), then we might want to use a number previously retrieved with get_number. This classmethod therefore must reverse the operation of building order numbers.

11.2. Order Views

Displaying the last or former orders in django-SHOP is as simple, as adding two pages to the CMS. Change into the Django admin backend and enter into the CMS page tree. At an appropriate location in that tree add a new page. As page title use “My Orders”, “Ihre Bestellungen”, “Mis Pedidos”, or whatever is appropriate in the natural language used for that site. Multilingual CMS installations offer a page title for each language.

In the CMS page editor click onto the link named Advanced Settings at the bottom of the popup window. As template, choose the default one, provided it contains at least one big placeholder.

Enter “shop-order” into the Id-field just below. This identifier is required by some templates which link directly onto the orders list view page. If this field is not set, some links onto this page might not work properly.

The Order Views must be rendered by their own CMS apphook. Locate the field Application and choose “View Orders”.

Below this “My Orders” page, add another page named “Thanks for Your Order”, “Danke für Ihre Bestellung” or “Gracias por su pedido”. Change into the Advanced Settings view and as the rendering template select “Inherit the template of the nearest ancestor”. Next enter “shop-order-last” into the Id-field just below. As Application choose again “View Orders”.

11.2.1. CMS Apphook for the Order

The apphook for the Order View must be provided by the Django project. This is a simple snippet of boilerplate which has to be added to the merchant’s implementation of the file myshop/cms_apps.py:

from cms.apphook_pool import apphook_pool
from shop.cms_apphooks import OrderCMSApp

class OrderApp(OrderCMSApp):


This apphook uses the class shop.views.order.OrderView to render the order’s list- and detail views using the serializers shop.serializers.order.OrderListSerializer and shop.serializers.order.OrderDetailSerializer. Sometimes these defaults aren’t enough and must be extended by a customized serializer. Say, our Order class contains the rendered shipping and billing addresses. Then we can extend our serializer class by adding them:

from shop.serializers.order import OrderDetailSerializer

class CustomOrderSerializer(OrderDetailSerializer):
    shipping_address_text = serializers.CharField(read_only=True)
    billing_address_text = serializers.CharField(read_only=True)

We now can replace the urls attribute in our apphook class with, say ['myshop.urls.order'] and exchange the default serializer with our customized one:

from django.conf.urls import url
from shop.views.order import OrderView
from myshop.serializers import CustomOrderSerializer

urlpatterns = [
    url(r'^$', OrderView.as_view()),
    url(r'^(?P<pk>\d+)$', OrderView.as_view(many=False,

Now, when invoking the order detail page appending ?format=api to the URL, then two new fields, shipping_address_text and billing_address_text shall appear in our context.

11.2.2. Add the Order list view via CMS-Cascade Plugin

Click onto View on site and change into front-end editing mode to use the grid-system of djangocms-cascade. Locate the main placeholder and add a Row followed by at least one Column plugin; both can be found in section Bootstrap. Below that column plugin, add a child named Order Views from section Shop.

We have to perform this operation a second time for the page named “Thanks for Your Order”. The context menus for copying and pasting may be helpful here.

Note that the page “My Orders” handles two views: By invoking it as a normal CMS page, it renders a list of all orders the currently logged in customer has purchased at this shop:


Clicking on one of the orders in this list, changes into a detail view, where one can see a list of items purchased during that shopping session:


The rendered list is a historical snapshot of the cart in the moment of purchase. If in the meantime the prices of products, tax rates, shipping costs or whatever changed, then that order object always keeps the values at that time in history. This even applies to translations. Strings are translated into their natural language on the moment of purchase. Therefore the labels added to the last rows of the cart, always are rendered in the language which was used during the checkout process. Render templates

The path of the templates used to render the order views is constructed using the following rules:

  • Look for a folder named according to the project’s name, ie. settings.SHOP_APP_LABEL in lower case. If no such folder can be found, then use the folder named shop.
  • Search for a subfolder named order.
  • Search for a template named list.html or detail.html.

These templates are written to be easily extensible by the customized templates. To override them, add a template with the path, say myshop/order/list.html to the projects template folder.

11.3. Order Workflows

Order Workflows are simple plugins that allow the merchant to define rules in a programmatic way, which actions to perform, whenever a certain event happened. A typical event is the confirmation of a payment, which itself triggers further actions, say to print a delivery note.

Instead of implementing each possible combination for all of these use cases, the django-SHOP framework offers a Finite State Machine, where only selected state transition can be marked as possible. These transition further can trigger other events themselves. This prevents to accidently perform invalid actions such as fulfilling orders, which haven’t been paid yet.

In class shop.models.order.BaseOrder contains an attribute status which is of type FSMField. In practice this is a char-field, which can hold preconfigured states, but which can not be changed by program code. Instead, by calling specially decorated class methods, this state then changes from one or more allowed source states into one predefined target state. We denote this as a state transition.

An incomplete example:

class Order(models.Model):
    # other attributes

    @transition(field=status, source='new', target='created')
    def populate_from_cart(self, cart, request):
        # perform some side effects ...

Whenever an Order object is initialized, its status is new and not yet persisted in the database. As we have seen earlier, this object must be populated from the cart. If this succeeds, the status of our new Order object switches to created. This is the default state before proceeding to our payment providers.

In django-SHOP the merchant can add as many payment providers he wants. This is done in settings.py through the configuration directive SHOP_ORDER_WORKFLOWS which takes a list of so called “Order Workflow Mixin” classes. On bootstrapping the application and constructing the Order class, it additionally inherits from these mixin classes. This gives the merchant an easy to configure, yet very powerful tool to model the selling process of his e-commerce site according to his needs. Say, we want to accept bank transfer in advance, so we must add 'shop.payment.defaults.PayInAdvanceWorkflowMixin' to our configuration setting. Additionally we must assure that the checkout process has been configured to offer the corresponding cart modifier:


This mixin class contains a few transition methods, lets for instance have a closer look onto

@transition(field='status', source=['created'], target='awaiting_payment')
def awaiting_payment(self):
     """Signals that an Order awaits payments."""

This method actually does nothing, beside changing the status from “created” to “awaiting_payment”. It is invoked by the method get_payment_request() from ForwardFundPayment, which is the default payment provider of the configured PayInAdvanceModifier cart modifier.

The class PayInAdvanceWorkflowMixin has two other transition methods worth mentioning:

@transition(field='status', source=['awaiting_payment'],
    target='prepayment_deposited', conditions=[is_fully_paid],
    custom=dict(admin=True, button_name=_("Mark as Paid")))
def prepayment_fully_deposited(self):
    """Signals that the current Order received a payment."""

This method can be invoked by the Django admin backend when saving an existing Order object, but only under the condition that it is fully paid. The method is_fully_paid() iterates over all payments associated with its Order object, sums them up and compares them against the total. If the entered payment equals or exceeds the order’s total, this method returns True and the condition for the given transition is met. This then adds a button labeled “Mark as Paid” at the bottom of the admin view. Whenever the merchant clicks on this button, the above method prepayment_fully_deposited is invoked. This then changes the order’s status from “awaiting_payment” to “prepayment_deposited”. The Notifications of django-SHOP can intercept this transition change and perform preconfigured action, such as sending a payment confirmation email to the customer.

Now that the order has been paid, it time to fulfill it. For this a merchant can use the workflow mixin class shop.shipping.defaults.CommissionGoodsWorkflowMixin, which gives him a hand to keep track on the fulfillment of each order. Since this class doesn’t know anything about an order status of “prepayment_deposited” (this is a private definition of the class PayInAdvanceWorkflowMixin), django-SHOP provides a status to mark the payment of an order as confirmed. Therefore another transition is added to our mixin class, which is invoked automatically by the framework whenever the status changes to “prepayment_deposited”:

@transition(field='status', source=['prepayment_deposited',
    'no_payment_required'], custom=dict(auto=True))
def acknowledge_prepayment(self):
    """Acknowledge the payment."""

This status, “payment_confirmed”, is known by all other workflow mixin classes and must be used as the source argument for their transition methods.

For further details on Finite State Machine transitions, please refer to the FSM docs. This however does not cover the contents of dictionary custom. One of the attributes in custom is button="Any Label" as explained in the FSM admin docs. The other is auto=True and has been introduced by django-SHOP itself. It is used to automatically proceed from one target to another one, without manual intervention, such as clicking onto a button.

11.3.1. Signals

Each state transition emits a signal before and after performing the status change. These signals, pre_transition and post_transition can be received by any registered signal handler. In django-SHOP, the notification framework listens for these events and creates appropriate notification e-mails, if configured.

But sometimes simple notifications are not enough, and the merchant’s implementation must perform actions in a programmatic way. This for instance could be a query, which shall be sent to the goods management database, whenever a payment has been confirmed successfully.

In Django, we typically register signal handlers in the ready method of the merchant’s application configuration:

from django.apps import AppConfig

class MyShopConfig(AppConfig):
    name = 'my_shop'

    def ready(self):
        from django_fsm.signals import post_transition

def order_event_notification(sender, instance=None, target=None, **kwargs):
    if target == 'payment_confirmed':
        # do whatever appropriate

In the above order event notification, use instance to access the corresponding Order object.

11.3.2. Finite State Machine Diagram

If graphviz is installed on the operating system, it is pretty simple to render a graphical representation of the currently configured Finite State Machine. Simply invoke:

./manage.py ./manage.py graph_transitions -o fsm-graph.png

Applied to our demo shop, this gives the following graph:


11.4. Order Admin

The order admin backend is likely the most heavily used editor for django-SHOP installation. Here the merchant must manage all incoming orders, payments, customer annotations, deliveries, etc. By automating common tasks, the backend shall prevent careless mistakes: It should for instance neither be possible to ship unpaid goods, nor to cancel a delivered order.

Since the django-SHOP framework does not know which class model is used to implement an Order, it intentionally doesn’t register its prepared administration class for that model. This has to be done by the merchant implementing the shop. It allows to add additional fields and other mixin classes, before registration.

For instance, the admin class used to manage the Order model in our shop project, could be implemented as:

from django.contrib import admin
from shop.models.order import OrderModel
from shop.admin.order import (PrintOrderAdminMixin,
    BaseOrderAdmin, OrderPaymentInline, OrderItemInline)

class OrderAdmin(PrintOrderAdminMixin, BaseOrderAdmin):
    fields = BaseOrderAdmin.fields + (
        ('shipping_address_text', 'billing_address_text',),)
    inlines = (OrderItemInline, OrderPaymentInline,)

The fields shipping_address_text and billing_address_text are not part of the abstract model class BaseOrder and therefore must be referenced separately.

Another useful mixin class to be added to this admin backend is PrintOrderAdminMixin. Whenever the status of an order is set to “Pick the Goods” a button labeled “Print Delivery Note” is added to the order admin form. Clicking on that button displays one ore more pages optimized for printing.

On the other hand, when the status of an order is set to “Pack the Goods” a button labeled “Print Invoice” is added to the order admin form.

The template for the invoice and delivery note can easily be adopted to the corporate design using plain HTML and CSS.

11.4.1. Rendering extra fields

The models Order and OrderItems both contain a JSON fiels to hold arbitary data, collected during the checkout process. Here for instance, django-SHOP stores the computations as performed by the Cart Modifiers. Displaying them in Django’s admin backend would result in a rendered Python dictionary, which is not well readable by humans.

Therefore the merchant may add a template, which is rendered using the content of that JSON field, named extra. For the implemented order model the merchant may add a template named <myshop>/admin/order-extra.html to its template folder. This template then shall render all the fields as available inside that JSON field. Here rows contains a list of computations added by the cart modifiers.

Additionally, a merchant may add templates which are rendered using the contents of the JSON fields, for each of the order item associated with the given order. Since order items can refer to different types of products, we may add a template for each of them. It is named <myshop>/admin/orderitem-<productname>-extra.html whereas productname is the class name in lowercase of the model implementing that product. If no such template could be found, then a template named <myshop>/admin/orderitem-product-extra.html is used as fallback. If no template is provided, then the content of these extra fields is not rendered.

11.5. Re-adding an Order to the Cart

Sometimes it can be useful to re-add the content of an order back to the cart. This functionality currently is implemented only via the REST-API. By checking the field reorder before posting the data, the content of the given order is copyied into the cart.